Texting and Other Nonsense


So I came to a realization today that texting is an extremely convenient tool. While moderation is important, being able to break up simple conversations over the space of a busy day makes it possible to get things done while setting up for future interpersonal interactions.

On a more curious and spiritually relevant front, last night at FHE we saw a CES fireside talk by Elder Bednar, and he was explaining the importance of using our physical bodies properly and recognizing the importance of having a body in the eternal plan of our Heavenly Father. One of the things he pointed out as threats to our bodies were the emphasis we place on virtual interactions and realities that we can easily get sucked into.

After examining my life, I came to find that I miss a lot of the activities I used to engage in as a child. While I had spent plenty of time in front of television screens and such watching my Saturday morning cartoons and what have you, I also remember spending much more time outside playing baseball, swimming, going out with friends, etc. I don't see those kinds of activities happening so often.

I've decided I want that kind of life back.

Having a career that requires the majority of my time to be spent in front of a computer doesn't help, but I recognize that as busy as I am (or many times make myself out to be when in reality it's far from the truth), there's always time for a trip to the gym, a walk in the park, a conversation over hot chocolate, road trips, dates, and other such nonsensical yet relaxing activities. I'm going to make more of an effort to be active and get out of the house more.

It's funny how talking about one subject can morph into something completely different. I love that.

Something that struck me as entertaining but relevant to what Elder Bednar said is a movie that's coming out called Surrogates (based on the graphic novel by Robert Venditti). I highly recommend checking out the trailer.



Francesca said...

Creepy. Now I'm going to have nightmares! jk

On a lighter note, kudos to you for making the goal to be more active!

Amber Irene said...

wanna know a funny story? I was sitting in the 3rd row at The CES fireside! :D

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