National University


Sooooo..... I'm in my first class at National University (don't worry kids, I'm on break) and thought I'd share the experience. I'm in my multimedia class where I get to use Photoshop for all my projects. Could anyone think up a class better suited to what I like doing in my spare time??? Hahaha! I love it! The campus is awesome, the class has 10 students, the teacher rocks, and we are using sweet Alienware and Mac computers with *gasp!* up to date software and hardware specs! It's totally awesome.
In other news, in case some of you hadn't heard, I am indeed planning to move out to Tennessee by the end of the year (that means after Christmas) to grow a music venue and cafe/pizzeria on a college campus in Jacksonville with my friend Eric Ososkie. I'm super excited and everything has been falling into place to make it possible. I will most likely change my major to Strategic Communication (Marketing, PR, Project Management, etc.) after taking a few multimedia classes (I will come back for a second BA in Video Game Production and Design after I get back from Tennessee) because it's all online and is DIRECTLY related to what my responsibilities will be in TN.
In the meantime, I'm going to finish up some prereqs at Palomar, finish my outstanding web projects, and get myself ready to move out for a while. It feels like I'm going on a mission again, except the purpose is building a business model and experience that I can take with me back here to SD within the next year or two. I plan to be very successful with this whole endeavor. Risky? Yes. Worth it? I totally believe it will be. I've prayed about it, I've studied it out, I've helped prepare the business model, and Eric already has the music venue up and running - everything's just waiting for me to get involved.

What do you guys think about what I'm up to?


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